Marianne Poulsen
Certified Nutrition Advisor, Marianne Poulsen

My name is Marianne Poulsen, and I am employed as a dietitian at Nupo.
I am a trained certified dietitian with a specialty in obesity, and I use my education in various ways in my daily life here at Nupo.
As a consumer, you can purchase an introductory course where we begin by having a short meeting via telephone or online, and talk about your particular challenges and how you approach them. It is important for us that you are off to a good start so you don’t give up along the way. That is why we created the possibility of purchasing personal guidance.
I also answer the many questions about our products and in general about dietary guidance through our Social Media channels, via our chat and not least on e-mail. I am available almost every day to help you gain more knowledge and understanding about your weight loss process and to make it as optimal as possible. There are many ways to approach your Nupo diet, and together we will find the right way for you.
Nupo is an established and well-documented brand, and with over 35 clinical studies behind us, we know that our products deliver as promised. We are currently involved in new clinical studies that started in the autumn of 2022, which Novo Nordisk is helping to sponsor. PRE-STORK and PRE-CHILD are, among other studies, are some very exciting studies on the connection between overweight in the parents vs. overweight in the child.
The Danish Headache Center is also working on an interesting study to explore a new treatment strategy for the debilitating headache disease, Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (IIH), the incidence of which increases with obesity.
I provide the hospitals with the right material, guidance and products for the people who participate in the studies.
During the year, I also manage personal weight loss courses, with people who have a desire to lose weight. In these courses, the people will be on a Nupo diet, and through our weekly contact I discuss weight, well-being and answer questions. These courses are not something you can buy, but are offered to influencers or possible ambassadors.
It is important that as a user of Nupo you can recognize yourself in the people who represent us, in one way or another, so we make a lot of effort to find people who are relatable.
Nupo also participated in DSAF's (Adipositas foreningen) annual conference for the Nordic region 2022. The participants were generally doctors, dietitians and employees at clinics where, among other things, bariatric surgery is performed. Nupo participated in this 3-day conference, not only to network, but also to be inspired and be updated on the latest initiatives.
Likewise, a colleague and I participated in FAKD's (Association of Clinical Dietitians) annual meeting 2022, where the participants were clinical dietitians from all over Denmark, with the aim to continuously keep Nupo updated on what is happening within the industry.
As a nutritionist at Nupo, my tasks are incredibly varied and versatile, and it is very exciting to be involved in the many different projects. We are constantly developing, and one of our most important task is to deliver a product that can safely get you to your weight loss goal.